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Why we can’t do anything.


I see Rwanda being brought up in a lot of these blogs.  I recently read an article about Rwanda, and it’s status today.  I wish I could find it again, but I unfortunately haven’t been able to remember where I found it in the first place, as I read this several months ago.  One thing that I thought was interesting about the article was for the killing to come to an end, it was really up to the people to make a difference.  The people had to let go of the animosity between one another, and work towards peace and unity as a nation, instead of as two feuding tribes.  They had to forgive their neighbors and literally just let go.  This has been shockingly successful as Rwanda has come really far since the genocide.  While there is still a lot of instability, and a lot of bitterness, and a whole boatload of problems, the point is that they have made progress.(http://kristof.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/04/06/16-years-after-the-genocide-rwanda-continues-forward/)  They have moved forward, but it definitely required a change in the hearts of the people.  

I feel like I sound like I’m quoting the Book of Mormon, and sounding like a tree hugging hippy all in one go, but I think that this is a very important point in solving world conflict.  In cases of two rival groups, or deep rooted cultural disagreements, going in with bigger guns and shifting the power isn’t going to help.  Long term, it will simply create more conflict and more tension, jealously, and frustration between peoples.  Watching the documentary in class proved this to me even more so.  A third party may be able to step in and help, but not by shifting the power around, not by handing out money or weapons.  Working for peace requires that the people have a desire for peace.  That they have a desire for growth and progression.  If that desire isn’t there, it doesn’t really matter what you do to try and solve the problem, it isn’t going to be solved.  It may be delayed, or temporarily appear to be fixed, but until the desire for peace is there, and the work is put in by the people, peace cannot occur.  Peace and love everybody, come over to my place for smoothies, hand holding, and singing this weekend.
-Heather Viland

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